3.General regulations
Navigators passing through Chilean channels, straits and fjords must comply with the provisions of the Chilean National Maritime Authority (Directorate General of the Maritime Territory and Merchant Marine - www.directemar.cl), and the information provided by the Hydrographic and Oceanographic Service of the Chilean Navy on their web page www.shoa.cl. In this link, there are corrections to current cartography and Urgent News to Navigators.
Chile has 12 miles of Territorial Waters, in addition to 188 miles of Exclusive Economic Zone. In territorial waters, all foreign vessels must fly the flag of their country of origin, together with the Chilean flag, from sunrise to sunset. Moreover, the signal flag "Hotel" must be hoisted when pilots are on board, and the signal flag "Bravo" when carrying dangerous goods.
Vessels must comply with all Chilean and international rules and regulations, such as SOLAS, COLREG and MARPOL, including IMO and ISM resolutions and standards, and all those especially related to the protection of human life at sea and the protection of the marine environment. In inland waters, it is strictly forbidden to dump waste, oil or any kind of oily or polluted liquid.
Ballast exchange and the discharge of residual "grey water" shall comply with MARPOL regulations. The ships that have a WTP facility (Water Treatment Plant), previously authorized by the National Maritime Authority, may discharge grey water 4 miles offshore, but under no circumstances discharge in inland waters with a distance to the coast greater than 4 nautical miles. Compliance with pollution prevention regulations is requested.